We are the hands and feet of Jesus extended to the people of Kenya. We realize that by providing clean water we are making a way for the gospel of Jesus. By sharing the love of our Savior in a practical way we are not only preaching the good news we are demonstrating it!
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…(James 1:27, NIV).”
When you look into the eyes of a child who has spent hours of their life gathering and searching for clean water, it is really impossible to know their struggle. They have suffered from waterborne diseases caused by drinking contaminated or dirty water. This contaminated water can cause many types of diarrheal disease including: Cholera, Typhoid and Dysentery. The suffering emotionally and physically sometimes becomes unbearable. Many simply will not survive.
Almost three years ago Tammy, Joseph and I came to Kenya to provide clean water physically and to share about the living water spiritually. We have seen first hand what clean water can do. We know our work here has just begun. These years have been filled with purchasing of the drilling rig, making sure government procedures are in place to drill legally here, getting our ministry incorporation approved, and learning the logistics of actually drilling in Kenya. We feel the drilling has really just begun, and our hearts are broken and sometimes overwhelmed at the many needs we see for clean water.

Since being here:
We have drilled or indirectly been involved with drilling 12 water wells.
We were able to provide the funds to install a thousand gallon water tank and the cement pad with multiple faucets to distribute water in a very dry area near the Tana Delta region. We could not dig a well in this area because there is salt in the water.
We were able to provide a water pump for a water well to a ministry in Mombasa, Kenya that has a feeding program that gives clean water and food to over 100 children weekly.
We were able to dig a well for a ministry in Kisumu called Mana Missions that now provides clean water daily to 150 widows, 250 children and over 200 other people in the community.
These are just a few of the many experiences of ministry opportunities that we have been a part of these past two and half years.
OUR VISION is to bring clean water to those who do not have it and to share the water of life to everyone we encounter. This is why WE need YOU.